Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 13: Arrived. Angekommen.

(post from yesterday - sorry to everyone who worried if everything is okay. I arrived safe and sound yesterday - but then, I was busy celebrating.. ;))

Day 13, Sunday: 145 kilometer, Ingwiller to HEIDELBERG - You have reached your final destination.
Hero of the day: My sister Elke who has already moved all my stuff to my new room.
Tool of the day: The German language. Because I can finally talk to people without feeling like a 5-year old.
What's new: I'm home. Also, first time I really did cry on my trip below.
Soundtrack of the day (listen to this when you read this post):  Dotan - Home - thank you, Becka, my faithful friend! Come visit me.

Danke, Hannah! :) Ich freu mich auf euch.

Today was one of the hardest days on my trips. The first 50km went through a hilly forest area with lots of wind, in the afternoon, it was hot, then it started to rain and I got very, very, very lost in a forest. A drunken man on a bike who asked three times "Are you not scared?" led me out of the forest at 6:30 pm... But I made it.

I arrived.

In the pouring rain, around 7:15 pm, I saw the street I am going to live in now, and I found my "new" door bell, and it was only then, that I realized: I made it. I biked more than 1350 kilometers across France in 13 days, and here I am, and I am starting a new life in a new town. And all of this feels normal. And crazy. Life is so fast when you don't bike!
My amazing sister suprised my with a furnished room in the new appartment, and my whole family showed up - and an hour later, I already had forgotten that I used to be one of those people "on the road".
I am back in life.

There will be two more blog posts coming, one tomorrow and one on Wednesday. Just because there are two more things on my heart I really want to say. Also, I have not forgotten about the thing I have asked you to do ;)... (write down a dream you have. Doesn't matter if it's big or small. "Ask this guy out" or "Build a house" or "Say sorry to my Grandma" or "Learn how to swim" or "Create an art exhibition"....)
So tomorrow evening, come back here and read why a friend hoped I would learn on this trip how to fail. And on Wednesday, I will want to talk about Mr. Procrastination-Monkey.

thank you so so so much for your support, everyone. It was incredibly helpful to have this blog and get supportive messages, e-mails and comments.
Four special girls need to get a medal for their support during the past two weeks.
Ina - who prayed with me via text message nearly every night. And would have massaged me if I had been next to her.
Elke - who made sure I wasn't going insane by checking on me all the time, all while secretly moving my stuff into my new room :)
Anna - who was my personal bike and health consultant and never laughed at me, only with me about my stupid questions
And then - stunning Sarah, my hiding place and my stepping stone and the one who makes my life so very fun and deep. Thank you so much for your practical and mental help!

And then.. the One and Only. Who was with me during every moment, right by my heart and my moving feet. The One, who made me strong and brave and weak and scared and who showed me this beautiful world. Thank you, Lord.

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