Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I hope you know what you can't do...

Sarah, my smart friend, sent me a message four days before I arrived. I read it in Dijon, and it said: "I hope this trip makes you realize how capable your are. But also, I hope you learn what you can't do. How much you need other people."

Oh yes. I have learnt that. Even though I did this "alone", I could not have done this alone.
I have recieved so much help these past weeks, it's ridicoulous. So many friends and strangers helped me with my plan, there is no way I can ever give back all the love and support.

But I will try to.

Remember when I asked you about your dream? What is on your heart when you read about my adventure? What do you want to do? (If you don't have one, don't worry. No pressure ;)) -

.... but if there is something you dream of doing and you don't feel brave or capable or strong enough, let me tell you this:
1. I went to bike nearly 1400 km and I didn't know how to change a tire (still don't know...). So if you don't feel prepared, feel free to go back to this post - and be reminded: It's about your heart, not (all) about preperation. 

2. If you say it out loud, even just to yourself, this is when it starts. See this picture below? I was sitting in a café in April, reading this book, and I wrote down in my journal: "Bike tour home from Biarritz end of September?" I did not at all think I will do it, I just thought: Here's an idea.
But once I wrote it down, it sort of became a plan. You have nothing to lose by writing it down, but you can win an amazing adventure.
April 2014.
3. I needed God for this adventure. I had this blog, and texts from friends - but when I was desperate, when I was feeling weak and annoyed, it was between God, Steve and I.
God dreams big and he loves it when we do what's on our heart. Fill God in on your plans. And that's why I will go for a big walk on Thursday and I want to pray for your dreams.

So, my phone works again - and- here is my phone number:
zero zero four nine - one five two - two six five four - six zero nine five*

I don't need to know your name, nor the reason for your dream, nor if you believe in God or not - just please text me what you dream of doing.
I will go for a big walk on Thursday morning and I will pray for all the dreams I receive by then. Really, just get it out there to me, it's safe with me and I won't laugh at anything (because no one laughed at me) and I am excited to see you guys conquering the world.

It's the least I can do - and also the most, because that really is how advenutres start.

So I hope by reading this you know, for your own dream,
you 1. don't need to wait until you are perfectly prepared,
2. you need to dare to say your dreams out loud to yourself
and 3. it could be of help if you talk to God about it. Or let me do it.

Looking forward to your messages. 
Tomorrow, I will blog about Mr. Procrastination-Monkey, who is a very dangerous breed.

- Also - if you want some encouraging advice (I don't know anything about bikes, but I know some stuff about adventure) or some ideas concerning your dream in any form, feel free to send me an e-mail. I would love to be of help: rosarollt@gmail.com
*yes, I am aware it's not the smartest thing to give our your number on the internet to everyone who can read, but to be honest, everyone who reads this blog might already know I am not exactly all "smart"... ;)
I simply love cows.

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